I have been reading a book from a book entitled Confronting Pornography: A Guide to Prevention and Recovery for Individuals, Love Ones, and Leaders. (Deseret Book, 2005) It is a wonderful book and I encourage you to get a copy as you work on your personal copy. Your significant other will also find it useful as they seek to help you.
As I have tried to reflect what to say to you that might be of worth as you begin your recovery, I found this quote by Victor B. Cline. In the very first chapter of the book, he mentions several factors that most predict success in recovery. I intend to only discuss the first today. He states:
"The individual must be personally motivated to be free of his addiction and possess a willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve success. While freedom from addiction and renewed health are possible, you can never force a person to get well if he doesn't want to." (emphasis added, 21.)Can you say this of yourself brother? How deep is your willingness? Are you truly willing to do "whatever it takes" at whatever cost may be required? This might mean that you need to leave your current job because it requires you to be on a computer all day. This might mean you have to give up your Smartphone and revert back to a model from a few years ago. This means you will have to tell your spouse, your ecclesiastical leader, a support group, and many others the mistakes you have made.
For some becoming will mean hitting rock bottom--losing a spouse, a job, their church membership--but this does not have to be the case! Take the smallest step that you can today to show the Lord your willingness, and that willingness will grow! President Boyd K. Packer has said that "a testimony is to found in the bearing of it." So it is with willingness. Willingness is to be found in the demonstration of it! Call your bishop if you have not. Tell your spouse if you have not. Find a support group. Give someone your laptop. Drive the extra 15 minutes it takes to avoid that area of temptation. Do whatever you know you need to in order to demonstrate your willingness.
Remember, those who are willing, will find healing!
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