
Worth It

Dear Brother,

I don't have much time to write tonight, but I wanted to let you know that not only can you beat this, but it will be worth it. Due to the difficult nature of the battle you are a part of, you may question if the benefits of continuing to fight will really be worth it. As one who has fought and continues to fight, I assure you that it is a battle you can win with persistence and effort, and it is worth it.

I remember a priesthood leader once attributing all the blessings they had received in their life to the decision that they had made to going on a mission. While I know I have received many blessings from serving a mission, I would have to say that I feel that I can attribute the majority of the great blessings of my life--my marriage, my profession, my talents--to my beating pornography. Then again, maybe those were all blessings that I had coming to me because of my mission--I just couldn't embrace them all until I had overcome this challenge. I guess it's like a house that is surrounded with sunshine but doesn't realize or truly experience it until the drapes are pulled back and the shades lifted. Then the house is filled with all the wonderful sunshine it had waiting for it.

As I go to work each day, as I come home to my dear wife, as I write these letters to you, I am filled with sunshine. It is the light that comes with a pure life. Of course life isn't all joy and smiles--I face stress daily (just finished those darn taxes. What a chore--ugh!). But it is a different stress than before. It's no longer the stress of shame, or embarrassment, or of trying to keep a great secret hidden.

Don't give up brother. If only casting aside this burden were as easy as opening the blinds in the house and welcoming the light! You have a journey before you that may be the hardest journey you have ever had to face, but it's a journey that will qualify you for unlimited blessings from our loving and eternal Savior.

Keep ascending,

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